With a level of commitment unequaled among Atlanta personal injury, criminal defense, and family law firms, The Weldon Law Firm is totally dedicated to the successful resolution of your case. At The Weldon Law Firm, we understand that each case is just as unique as the individuals we represent. Our focus and attention to detail insures that each client receives only the best legal representation available.
From our Conyers, Georgia location, The Weldon Law Firm has served metropolitan Atlanta in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, and family law for over 15 years. Our experienced and highly trained staff of professionals is available to discuss your case either in person or by phone, or you may submit your legal question to us using the contact form found on this website.
At The Weldon Law Firm, our clients are our highest priority, and every action we take throughout the legal process is designed to insure your personal welfare both today and in the future. When a situation arises in your life that requires legal representation, remember…for a job well done, call Weldon.